Foods Of A Champion

Hey Everyone,

This blog today is the top 3 meals that I bring to tournaments with me that keep me energized and ready to wrestle at all times!


#1 Sandwiches

Sandwiches may not be all that at your school lunch table but at a tournament it’s considered my “clutch” food. Sandwiches have every food group in it which is essential for having a good performance and a full stomach. When I make my sandwiches I like to mix up the meat and put a slice of ham and turkey on white bread, I also like to add cheddar cheese with some fresh cut lettuce and to top it off I use a little bit of BBQ sauce to give it flavour.

#2 Fresh Fruit

Fruit of course can’t forget it! Fruit is packed with vitamins and minerals that keep my body fueled throughout the day and give me that boost of energy that I need to push through my matches. My favorite fruit for tournament day is apples. Apples are packed with high water content and fibre, after eating one apple I feel full and ready to compete.

#3 Muffins & Granola Bars

I consider muffins & granola bars as a treat when I’m at a wrestling tournament. These snacks are packed with carbohydrates that keep my muscles fueled the whole day and keep me ready for each match without feeling drowsy or tired. Although muffins and granola bars may not be the most healthy thing to eat at a tournament, they provide the energy that I need for competition. Also they are a good little treat if you have a sweet tooth like me!

Let me know if you try any of these snacks and meals at your next tournament. Catch you guys next time, peace out! 

healthy plate of fruits and snacks. food-healthy-mind-healthy-body-youth-toronto

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