10 things to know before attending post-secondary. Part 1

Good day everyone,

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As it is mid-august, it’s almost back to school time and I thought it would be a great idea to make a series of advice that are both my own and from other fellow post-secondary students. So, here’s 10 things you should know before attending Post-secondary Part 1.


1.    The first friends you make are probably not going to be the ones you hang out with for the rest of the year and that’s okay. Just keep on reaching out


2.    College/ university is completely different than High school. Prepare for the shock.


3.    The "broke college student lifestyle" is real, and it's definitely not fun.


4.    You have required courses you have to take that have absolutely nothing to do with your major.


5.    You will feel scared and anxious and even defeated at times. Everybody does. But what matters is How you deal with these feelings.


6.    You’re wasting your own money if you don’t go to class. Period.


7.    Manners are a big thing, especially when reaching out to your professors or TA.


8.    Water, water, water, no matter the weather.


9.    You won’t be able to use the same tricks from high school to finish an assignment the night before and still get a decent grade. I know because I tried it multiple times.


10. Time management is one of the most important skills you learn in post-secondary. It is a skill you will need every day for the rest of your life.


This list was not made to discourage anyone from attending post-secondary. As scary as this new Chapter sounds, you’ll come to love every bit. The good and the bad. Stay tuned for Part 2.


BTS in the Mississauga News with launch of new programme - You Grow Girl


Student Inspirations: Jessica O. Matthews