Getting Back to Orientation

Read all about this years summer orientation!

On July 4th, the summer Workit program at Beat the Streets has finally been able to return to in person orientation! We got to gather in the new community space which has be redesigned for comfort and functionality. It was a great experience getting everyone together for orientation this year, and we are so excited about things going back in person!

Orientation is for those in this years Workit program, which gives youth real world work experience in a safe environment. We started the day off getting to know our new team with everyone’s favourite: icebreakers. It was a great time, and it felt so much more personal being around everyone live. We followed this with some introductory workshops, getting to know BTS as a charity, and how we will be benefiting it through our work this summer. We had lunch, then continued on with more workshops, speakers, and opportunities to get to know the team


Overall, this years Workit orientation was a big success! Everyone had a great time, and got a feel for each other and BTS as a whole. We hope to continue in person orientations for future Workit groups, and make each one better than the last!

To learn more about the Workit program, and how it benefits local youth, click below!


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