Impacting youth through Digital Transformation

We are thrilled to announce that BTS, a leading charity focused on youth development programs, has been selected as a recipient of the Community Services Recovery Fund (CERF) from the Government of Canada. This exciting grant will enable us to enhance our fundraising efforts, expand program delivery, and embark on a transformative digital journey to better serve low-income youth and foster their long-term success.

What is the CERF?

"The Community Services Recovery Fund is a $400 million investment from the Government of Canada to support charities and non-profits as they focus on how to adapt their organizations for pandemic recovery. Now more than ever, charities and non-profits play a key role in addressing the persistent and complex social problems all communities face. The Community Services Recovery Fund responds to what charities and non-profits need right now and supports organizations as they adapt to the long-term impacts of the pandemic." 

Embracing Digital Transformation for greater impact: 

At BTS, our mission is to advance the education of low-income children and youth through sports and skill-building activities, promoting resilience, social-emotional learning, and healthy mind and body programs. With the CERF grant, we can operate more efficiently and sustainably and reach even more underserved communities and low-income schools across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).

The power of Digital Transformation: 

Digital transformation is key to unlocking the full potential of nonprofits like ours. By leveraging digital solutions, we can maximize the impact of our youth development programs and create a lasting difference. Through streamlined operations, increased reach via social media, and data-driven decision-making, we can optimize our resources, engage donors and stakeholders, and deliver targeted, high-quality programs to those who need them most.

The Digital Assessment Tool (DAT): 

To guide our digital transformation journey, we used the Digital Assessment Tool (DAT) from Techsoup, a free web-based application designed to help nonprofits assess their technology needs and capabilities. With the DAT's valuable insights and customized recommendations, we identified where we stand, where we aspire to be, and the steps required to reach our digital transformation goals.

The benefits of Digital Transformation for nonprofits: 

Digital transformation offers many benefits that revolutionize how nonprofits operate and fulfill their missions. By embracing digital tools and platforms, we can enhance operational efficiency, allocate more resources to our core programs, and promote physical literacy development for youth. Furthermore, a strong online presence enables us to engage a wider audience, attract donors passionate about sports programs for low-income youth, and cultivate long-term relationships that fuel our mission. Leveraging data analytics empowers us to measure our social impact, make informed decisions, and adapt our programs to meet the evolving needs of our communities.

A grateful acknowledgment to CERF: 

We extend our deepest gratitude to the Community Services Recovery Fund for their generous support and recognition of our essential work. Through this partnership, we can drive positive change, foster active and healthy youth, and build resilience in the face of adversity. Together, we will impact the lives of low-income children and youth, enabling them to thrive and contribute to a brighter future for all.

With the support of the Community Services Recovery Fund and our commitment to digital transformation, BTS is poised to amplify its reach, strengthen its programs, and empower more low-income youth across the GTA.


Further references & resources on Digital Transformation for nonprofits

  1. Whatfix. (n.d.). Digital Transformation in Nonprofits.,data%20analytics%20to%20make%20decisions.

  2. Workato. (n.d.). Nonprofit Digital Transformation.

  3. GEP. (n.d.). How Nonprofits Can Ride the Digital Transformation Wave.

  4. Ensync. (n.d.). Digital Transformation for Nonprofits.

  5. Nonprofits Decoded. (n.d.). Digital Transformation.

  6. Workday. (n.d.). How Nonprofits Advance Mission Through Digital Transformation.

  7. Harvard Business Review. (2021, December). How Smart Tech Is Transforming Nonprofits.

  8. BizTech Magazine. (2023, March). Where Are Nonprofits on Their Digital Transformation Journeys?

  9. FUTR. (n.d.). The Essential Guide to Digital Transformation for Nonprofits and Charities.


About Beat the Streets: 

At Beat the Streets, our mission is to advance the education of low-income children and youth in the Greater Toronto Area through fun and unique sports, life skills, and employment-based development programs. Since 2015, we have served over 28,000 young individuals through our Wrestle 4 Fun, Level Up, You Grow Girl, Work It (Summer Jobs), and Volunteer programs, providing them opportunities to develop their physical, mental, and social well-being. We believe in empowering the next generation by breaking down barriers and creating pathways to success. 

Join us in our mission to impact youth:

Join us in making a difference by supporting our cause and learning more about how you can contribute to the education and growth of children and youth in need. Together, we can shape a brighter future for all.


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