Get to know me

Beat the Streets student worker. Toronto-youth-development-programs


I am beyond thrilled to be working with Beat The Streets this summer. I will be one of your social media community managers along with the amazing Saroya twins. Even though I have worked with BTS in the past, this is the first time that I will be doing this type of work and I am super duper excited to learn new things and acquire new skills that will most likely be useful in my future.


I would like to give a special thank you to Canada Summer Jobs for funding this incredible job opportunity. Thank you for allowing me to give back to my community.

About me

Hello, my name is Christelle Lans and I am going into my 4th year at York University. I also am on the York varsity wrestling team and I am their sports council liaison. I started wrestling in grade 10 but didn’t get to compete until grade 11 and joined Beat The Streets in grade 12. I am completely grateful to BTS for introducing the wrestling program at my High School since I decided to join the BTS community, opportunities never ceased to flow my way, from my first international competition, my first summer job, making amazing friends, to meeting amazing mentors. I owe it all to BTS.


We Are The Saroya Twins!!


Student employees will be taking over BTS social media this summer