

You Grow Girl Logo. Wrestling-recilience-strength-training-programs-GTA

I remember the day I decided I was going to be a wrestler.

It was 2013 and I hadn’t so much as gone on a jog in several years. Despite this, there was hardly a thing I was more certain of—I was going to wrestle. 

It was at my high school orientation—and the crowd was settling down after collecting cookies and touring the building. Atop the cafeteria stage was the newly appointed student council, each member, in turn, telling us why we’d chosen the right school. One by one they went up to the mic to introduce who they were and what their role was. It was all background noise to me until one member took her turn to speak.

And there she stood.

She likely would have towered over most of the crowd without the help of the stage. The young lady was beautiful and that might have been the least exciting thing about her.

In all honesty, I’m not sure she drew my attention immediately. But as she spoke, my attention became more and more affixed to all that she became. She spoke with a calm confidence that knew she had a place on that stage. Beyond being on the student council, her list of extracurriculars was long. I’ve long since forgotten most of her involvements but I do remember two things. 

1 - she was a model. 

2 - she was a wrestler.

And all of a sudden I had a clearer picture of all that I wanted to and could be.

I could be beautiful.

I could be strong.

Most importantly, I could find beauty in strength. She spoke gently but to me, she was the loudest person in the room.


Whether I knew it or not, from that day on, something deep in me resolved to do what she had done and more - to inspire. My story was going to be excellent and it was going to give those that heard it the inspiration and the permission to be excellent too.

In 2013, I learned what it was to have your story be transformed by someone else’s.

I have hope that an experience like mine won’t be so rare for young girls growing up in the world we live in today. The opportunity to hear, learn from and be inspired by others who have walked - in some way - a similar path to you is priceless.

In September of 2020, BTS Toronto is launching a new program called You Grow Girl.

The You Grow Girl program will consist of 12 weeks of fitness classes and workshops spearheaded by inspiring women willing to share the practical things that they have learned on their journeys through life. Big things like leadership, mindfulness, and goal setting to name a few. In addition, through fitness programming, young girls in the program will have the opportunity to gain confidence through movement and the development of physical strength much in the same way that I did.

I am excited for programs like You Grow Girl and for any opportunity that allows us to share with and inspire one another.

Much Love,

Simi Jayeoba


My Inspiration


How You Grow Girl Can Make You Greater Physically And Mentally