Takedown. Score. Repeat.

After a while the same technique gets boring and you want to start experimenting. Personally I used to think wrestling was all muscle and very aggressive all the time. With more experience through time I noticed that being calm and more relaxed is definitely the best way to wrestle. 

Here are a few of my favourite takedowns: 

Single Leg Takedown: For my single leg I like to step on the outside of his lead leg and pull his arm towards me which causes him to step forward with his trail leg. As his trail leg is coming up I scoop his lead leg up with my left arm, I connect my arms and walk with their leg in different directions to keep them off balance. After walking I re-adjust my grip to where my left hand slides down to his ankle and my right hand reaches through his leg and blocks the front of his knee. Finally I apply pressure to the back of his thigh while circling behind which causes him to fall on his stomach and me ending up behind him.

 Head Inside Low Ankle: My second technique is head inside low ankle shot. To execute this shot I start from a neutral position and lead with my left arm, I push his shoulder which causes him to step back and as he's coming back to engage I time his lead leg coming forward. Before it lands I drop my level and reach down by his ankle with my left arm and pull myself closer. A good wrestler will react by pulling his leg away, as he does this I put my head on the inner part of his knee to pressure the joint. As he’s falling I grab the second leg so he can't move and it forces him to fall either to his back or his side. If he lands on his side I'm already by his ankles where I can continue to score by locking in a cross ankle and turning, otherwise if he falls to his back I work my way up to his chest to look for a pin.

Ankle Pick: My last technique is my ankle pick. Just like my head inside low ankle I start from neutral and lead with my left arm. This time I put my right hand on his head and get into a collar tie. Then I step towards the arm that has his head as I pull his other arm towards me, this causes him to step heavy on the leg that is coming towards me. When his leg lands I reach down to his ankle with the arm that was on his shoulder, with my forearm on his neck I fold him over the ankle that I picked. This causes him to go straight to his back.


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