My Favourite Social Media Influencers

Dejah Here!

Let’s talk about social media influencers. I want to share two of my favorite influencers, I hope you guys check them out.

Pick up limes 

Sadia Badiei has a youtube channel that I have been watching for years now called to pick up limes this channel has 2.03M subscribers. This influencer shares a lot of vegan/ plant-based recipes along with life tips and advice. All in which I am very much interested in. Sadia inspires me to be the best version of my own self and gets me excited about my future and life in general. She beams positivity and good vibes and is an overall amazing person to look up to in my opinion.


“Zoie” is a guy that I have been following on Instagram for a couple of years now, he has 6.1M followers. Every Friday he makes a dancing video that makes me so happy and puts in such a good mood. Zoie is someone who does not care what others think of him and does whatever makes him happy. He comes off as a very free spirit, as well as has a lot of energy and positive vibes. On his page, he often shows his support towards other individuals and he is very encouraging towards them. I love to see his posts.


Time Management


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