All Good Things Must Come To An End

Time Flies!

I never expected 7 weeks to go by too quickly. I still remember writing out my application form in a google doc. I’m super happy that I got to use my time this summer wisely. Normally I’d be sitting at home, but this year I got to make an impact on little kids’ lives. I’m so grateful that I was picked out of several applicants. I learned how to run a program, write professionally and what goes on behind the scenes of running an organization. Last but not least I’ve learned valuable work skills, I’ve strengthened my work ethic and made connections. I still have a long way to go and I’m looking forward to learning and growing and hopefully, you’ll see me around.

Throughout this experience, I’ve become more independent and creative. I’m thrilled that I could be a part of a company with such great values. The past 2 years have been filled with fear and uncertainty but beat the streets is working so hard to make sure our youth has a future. I truly hope that we reach our goal one day youth deserves “A world where all children and youth, regardless of their socio-economic status, realize their full potential because they are resilient, confident & active”. I’m proud to say that this summer I got to work towards that goal and I couldn’t be happier about it.

Thank you

-Milan Ewers

Shout out to Canada Summer Jobs for giving me this opportunity!


5 Benefits of Playing Sports


Final thoughts on BTS Summer Jobs