Quick and easy recipes

Welcome to blog number 3. As you may or may not know, I have been writing a 6 blogs series and you’re currently reading blog 3. So far, in my blog series, you can find advice for post-secondary students and an interview with students in post-secondary.

Just like the title says, is about quick and easy recipes that can be done anytime.

 I love eating. Some people do meal plans but as for me, I hate the idea of eating the same thing for five days in a row. No offense to my meal plan people, you rock! Now, I will be sharing with you some of my go-to recipes when I’m running late for work or school. PS: DON’T JUDGE *LAUGHING FACE*

PS: I don’t do measurements when I cook, I just rely on my taste buds.


1.     French toast


This dish is not something I make often. I know that French toast is originally supposed to be something you eat with maple syrup but I’m different. I make sure my French toast is seasoned and I eat it with ketchup. I totally recommend but just for the ones that are not ready for such a big step when it comes to French toast, I’ll give the recipe for the basic version.

                                                        i.     Ingredients

1.     Bread

2.     Eggs

3.     Milk

                                                      ii.     Steps

1.     Break the eggs in a bowl and whisk them

2.     Then pour a little bit of milk in the bowl, not too much. Make sure that the milk to eggs ratio is like 2 tablespoons of milk to 1 egg.

3.     Mixt everything together

4.     Now, heat up your pan on medium to low heat. If your stove has numbers to indicate the level of heat, put it on 6.

5.     While your pan is heating up, take a slice of bread and soak it in the mixture that we made earlier. Make sure the entire slice is covered and then put the slice on the pan.

6.     Add 1 or 2 more slices to the pan, repeating the same step above if there’s space in your pan

7.     Make sure you’re consistently checking so that it doesn’t burn.

8.     When one side is golden to your taste, flip it to the other side.

9.     When everything is golden enough, take it out of the pan and serve it with maple syrup. You can add fruits to the side if you want.



2.     Roasted broccoli

a.     This recipe is for when I’m feeling healthy, which also doesn’t happen often.

                                                        i.     Ingredients


1.     Broccoli

2.     Olive oil

3.     Salt

                                                      ii.     Steps

1.     Soak your broccoli in vinegar water for 5 to 10 minutes then wash them off with clean water.

2.     Cut your broccoli into pieces, we mostly want the flowering head part but if you like the stalk which is the body of the broccoli, that’s also fine. Cut them too

3.     Put your pan on the stove on low heat. That would be a 3 on the heat scale.

4.     Then place your cut broccoli in the pan, add a teaspoon of olive oil, sprinkle some salt, stir your broccoli then cover your pot.

5.     Every 2 minutes or so, make sure you’re checking on your broccoli and stirring each time.

6.     Repeat step 5 until you start seeing roasted spots on your broccoli.

7.     Serve and enjoy


3.     Chicken salad without the twist


a.     I called this recipe chicken without the twist because that is what I eat for dinner when I’m cutting weight for wrestling tournaments. I say without the twist because it’s unseasoned chicken aka blend chicken *sad face*

    i.     Ingredients

1.     Unseasoned Chicken. If I don’t feel like doing this myself, I usually get the already cooked ones at Walmart. They do the trick

2.     Spinach

ii.     Steps

1.     Cut your chicken into small pieces

2.     Wash your spinach then Cut them into medium pieces unless you like to eat whole spinach leaves.

3.     Put them in a bowl, either mixt them or not that is completely up to you

4.     Enjoy! So simple wasn’t it



4.     Jamaican patties

a.     This is not a recipe. It is an advertisement. We all need Jamaican patties in our fridge. We can find them at any store in the frozen aisle. No cooking is necessary.

  i.     How to prepare your patty


1.     There are two ways:

a.     put it in a microwave for 2 minutes

b.     put it in the stove for 10 to 15 minutes

c.     whichever way you choose, Enjoy!


5.     White rice

a.     Lastly, we have my forever go to. The thing I love most in the whole world. No matter the time of the day or the weather, white rice has my back.

i.     Ingredients for 1 person (I will give some measurements for this one because it is so dear to my heart)


1.     1 Small bowl of rice

2.     2 small bowls of water

3.     Tablespoon of oil

4.     Teaspoon of salt

5.     1 Green onion leaf

6.     Thyme

   ii.     Steps

1.     Wash your green onion leaf and thyme and put them in a small pot of water add the oil and the salt and let boil.

2.     Put your stove on medium heat number 7

3.     As the water is warming up, wash your rice.

4.     Put rice your rice in boiling water then stir.

5.     As water is running low in the rice, decrease the heat level to a 4.

6.     When there’s no more water, drop the heat level to 2 and cover your pot.

7.     Leave it like this for 10 to 15 minutes

8.     Taste to make sure it’s cooked. if not, leave it in there for another 5 to 10 minutes

9.     Repeat step 8 until the rice is cooked to your liking

10.  Serve with anything and enjoy!


This is the end of blog #3 of my blog series. If you’re not so confident about your cooking, at least try the Jamaican patties. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog, can’t wait for you to read the next one.


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