Homemade skin care recipe

Hello and Welcome to my fourth blog of the series. Just to refresh your memories, I’m writing a 6 blogs series that started with advice for first-year post-secondary students, quick and easy recipes, interview with post-secondary students, and here we are, the fourth blog, homemade skincare recipes.

 I am someone that likes quality stuff but am I going to spend $$ on something that I’ll probably use once or twice a month? Probably not. That’s why I thought why not go natural and use nature’s own product to embellish my skin. My skin is extremely picky, stubborn, and disrespectful. It always chooses the wrong day to break out, some days even I’ll wake up with a big unicorn pimple on my forehead when I went to bed looking fine the night before.

Anyway, I decided to start using homemade skincare recipes with the ingredients that I could find in my fridge or my cupboard.


1.     Sugar lip scrub


The first recipe is a lip scrub for your lips. It’s completely organic so don’t be worried if it gets into your mouth. Please stay away if you’re allergic to any of the ingredients.

a.     Ingredients (for 1 person)

  i.     1 tablespoon of Coconut oil

ii.     2 Tablespoons of Sugar

iii.     1 teaspoon of Honey


b.     Directions

i.     In a small bowl, put in the sugar, the coconut oil, and the honey.

ii.     mix until it becomes a paste

iii.     you can start using it right away and save the rest for later


2.     Rice water


This recipe is what I use in my hair for hair growth.

a.     Ingredients (for 1 person)

i.     A handful of rice

  ii.     Water

iii.     Any container with a lid


b.     Directions

  i.     Put the rice and the water in the empty container then seal shut

ii.     Put the container away for 24 to 48hrs

  iii.     Shake then separate the water from the rice

iv.     Use before washing your hair, leave in for 10 to 15 minutes then wash off

***** Beware: this mixture will stink a lot when you open it back up but no pain, no beauty.


3.     Lemon and oatmeal face mask

I’ve been doing this face mask since I was in high school. I usually do it before bed for better result. **this mixture will sting a bit**


a.     Ingredients (for 1 person)

  i.     2 tablespoons of dry oatmeal

ii.     1 tablespoon of lemon

iii.     2 drops of tea tree essential oil (not necessary)


b.     Directions

  i.     In a small bowl, mix the oatmeal lemon juice and the tea tree oil until it becomes a paste

  ii.     Then apply to face, leave in for 10 to 15 minutes then wash off with water


4.     Avocado and Milk face mask

This face mask is something that I recently discovered while browsing the internet for more homemade recipes. I can assure you that it will leave your skin hydrated and feeling soft



a.     Ingredients

  i.     1 tablespoon of milk

 ii.     ¼ ripe avocado


b.     Directions

i.     Mash the avocado into a paste in a small bowl then add the milk

ii.     Apply to your face and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes

iii.     Rinse off with warm water.


This is the end of my blog on Homemade face masks. Thanks for reading and I hope you try at least one of the recipes. Stay tuned for my next blog and see you soon.


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