How to increase your motivation-

 Hi guys I’m Milan. Here I present to you my 6 part blog series about being the best version of yourself in a pandemic. I came up with this idea when I was thinking about things I’d be interested in reading. Hopefully, this can help you if you’re looking into self-growth.

This first blog is about motivation It’s definitely something we all struggle especially nowadays. We can use this off time for growth and self-reflection. Here are tips and tricks that might be able to help you!

 Staying motivated pushes you towards your goal because of a desire for change. During times like these, it’s difficult to push through when it feels like everything is against you. From march-June of 2020, I found myself in a dark headspace. I didn’t wanna get out of bed or go for walks or leave my room in general. I was sad and lacked human interaction. Truthfully as time passed things got better and I was able to move on from that phase of my life. I do think that the information I’m going to share could have helped me and motivated me to use the first lockdown for growth and self-reflection. Motivation is a crucial factor when it comes to healthy and active living. Being motivated changes our behaviour which can help you set goals, develop skills and talents or even create new interests.

Below are some tricks you can do to help you become more motivated and productive. 


-Organization and creating lists: Organization and creating lists and routines are needed when it comes to motivation. These can make us feel more productive. It's a simple and easy task that helps us stay aligned with our goals. A study done in 2020 says 76% of people say they feel more organized with lists and routines 

-Calendars: They help us visualize our schedules and stay on the right track, especially when it comes to important dates. 75% of people use calendars. Calendars give you a chance to look at the bigger picture of what and when you need to get things done. It's easier to be productive and prioritize. With these tools, we can avoid being distracted and stay on track.

-Routine/schedules: They reduce anxiety (which lots of people struggle with) It really can help with giving you a sense of control. 

-Define your goals: This gives us motivation long and short term to go after what we really want in life.


  1. Set goals

  2. Choose goals that interest you

  3. Find things that interest you within goals that do not

  4. Plot your progress

  5. Use rewards

It’s all about what you want to achieve and building the skills to get there. Sometimes it’s hard to be productive. Many factors in life can affect how we feel day-to-day, which decides if we are motivated. Examples of this are mental health, your work environment and even procrastination. With these tips and tricks, we can apply them to our day-to-day lives to see change. These will help us feel organized and in control.

Photo by Alexas Fotos from Pexels


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