Daily routines

Daily routines

I decided to do my 6 part blog series on Making the best out of the pandemic. In this blog I will be writing about the different ways a good daily routine can increase your productivity and mental health.

1. Start the Day With a Glass of Lemon Water

Starting the day with a glass of lemon water serves many benefits. It reduces your body's acidic levels and protects against inflammatory diseases.

2. Exercise in the Morning

Doing exercise in the morning ensures that you have an increase in your energy levels. All that is needed is half an hour a day and you will see changes in physical and mental health. It is important to do cardio and weights on mixed days. A scale is a great way to measure your progress and monitor your weight. 

3. Eat a Good Breakfast

Having a good breakfast can set the tone for the entire day. Having a  hlthy mix of protein, slow-release carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Some great food options include yogurt, fruit and granola bars

4. Healthy lunch and dinner

In Between our busy schedules we should find time to have a healthy and balanced diet. There are many great recipes online. 

5. Do Some Mid-Afternoon Stretches

Most of us have a mid-afternoon “slump” somewhere between 2 and 4 PM, but you can keep yourself going through the day by doing some light stretches or a bit of exercise in the afternoon. 

6. Take Time to Relax

Not having enough time to relax can cause many health problems such as high blood pressure and depression. Finding a health activity that keeps you calm should be added to your daily routine.





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